Video installation
Maru - a Circle is a video installation that reimagines the historical significance of Japanese dolls as contemporary objects of contemplation. Inspired by the Hitogata and Hina Ningyo, imbued with wishes and protective energies, the work transforms into a circular projection of light.
Resembling both a celestial body and a microscopic organism, the video cycles through images of nature and objects collected during a residency in Iwatsuki Ward. The circle, a universal symbol of infinity and rebirth, echoes the cyclical nature of life and the universe. This circular form invites viewers to experience a sense of timelessness and interconnectedness.
By combining visual elements with the soundscape composed by Conan Amok, I aim to create an immersive environment where viewers can lose themselves in contemplation. The work's integration with a performance by Amok and his partner at the Iwatsuki Ningyo Museum further enriches the dialogue between art, history, and the human experience.

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